About Us

RHT Industries Limited is a leader among environmental engineering companies. Founded in 1998, the company is committed to the research and development of technology that protects both the environment and human beings. The company has grown side by side with Hong Kong, providing comprehensive and effective air purification services to public institutions and private enterprises. With an outstanding scientific research team and talented experts, we have applied our multi-nationally patented technology, Nano Confined Catalytic Oxidation (NCCO), to both our products and the company’s name. Starting with air purification and personal care, our in-depth development in both commercial engineering and home life can offer you cleanliness in your living environment.
b-MOLA is a subsidiary line of RHT Industries, specializing in household air purifiers, and uses the Ocean Sunfish (Mola) to represent the brand.
Some of our service units:

Formally established in Hong Kong
Participated in the HKUST Entrepreneurship Membership Program
Became the main accreditation body
of the IAQ program
Creation of the b-MOLA brand
Entered the Hong Kong
Retail market
Awarded the title of No. 1 Air Purifier Brand in Hong Kong
Began sales in Walmart Canada
Moving towards expanding globally
What is NCCO?
氧聚解NCCO (Nano Confined Catalytic Oxidation) 技術由香港科研團隊開發,擁有多國專利,是體現嶄新科學思維的前沿空氣淨化技術。 珍貴天然的火山岩擁有優秀的污染淨化能力,技術人員從中得到啟發,利用最新科技仿造出相同結構的顆粒狀反應層,並配合「尖端納米技術」及「活氧作用」過濾並分解污染物,奠定了此項專利技術的基礎。
Compared with general air treatment technology, which can only absorb pollution but cannot decontaminate it, NCCO realized the absorption and purification of pollutants in one system, so that the dirt will not accumulate in the machine to cause secondary pollution, and the life of the filter reaction layer is extended to 12 years. It solved the short life of the filter screen, which was criticized by the market for air purifiers, and brought users a more convenient and safer air purification method.
願景 與 使命
Utilizing the unique advantages of NCCO technology, we can provide the market with air purification services of higher quality, greater efficacy, and more elevated purification ability. We can establish a marketplace that is more conscious of energy conservation, environmental protection, and human health.
以 Regeneration, Hope, Trust 作為品牌核心理念,配合一流科研人才,致力 作為環保工程企業的領導者,將卓越的科研成果活用於日常生活上,為大眾提供潔淨、環保、無污染的科技享受
Used in more than 300 hospitals in 26 countries around the world
NCCO納米氧聚解空氣淨化技術,不僅適用於家居空氣淨化,還廣泛應用在工業、商業、敎育及交通運輸機構,例如香港國際機場、滙豐銀行等。全球更有超過300家醫療機構採用NCCO空氣淨化系統,包括中國中山大學附屬第三醫院、希臘Trikala Hospital及泰國Chulalongkorn University醫學院等。

Honours and Awards
Home Journal [Best Air Purification System]
In early September 2020, the NCCO air purification system developed in cooperation with the members of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Program, won the "Best Air Purification System" award from the Asian interior design authoritative magazine "Home Journal" .

Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association [Outstanding Anti-epidemic Technology Products]
In early September 2020, RHT Industries was awarded the "2020 Outstanding Anti-epidemic Technology Product Award" by the Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association (HKRTIA). The COVID-19 epidemic has affected the global economy, and the business environment has faced unprecedented challenges. Therefore, in addition to the "Hong Kong Retail Technology Awards" in 2020, the HKRTIA has set up a special recognition award to commend organizations that make good use of technology in business under adversity, including the "Outstanding Anti-epidemic Technology Product Award".

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Entrepreneur Union [Best Technological Innovation Award]
Under the recommendation of the Greater Bay Area Homeland Development Fund, Dr. Cathy Jim, Director and Chief Technology Officer of RHT Industries, won the first "Youth Award" with the title of "Best Technological Innovation".

InnoESG [Sustainable Technology Award]
RHT Industries won the "Sustainable Technology" 2022 Award from InnoESG, which recognizes the company's efforts to promote sustainable technology.

SDG Label [Good Health] and [Sustainable Cities and Communities]
RHT Industries patented NCCO technology obtained by the United Nations, issued by InnoESG "Sustainable Development Goals" certificate.


Participated in the HKUST Entrepreneurship Membership Program

The Research Team

Dr. Cathy Jim
PhD. in Chemistry at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Inventor of NCCO

Dr. Ezra Kwok
Bachelor’s and PhD. in Chemical Engineering at the University of Alberta, Canada
Doctor of Medicine, McMaster University, Canada
Founder and former head of the School of Biomedical Engineering at the University of British Columbia, Canada
Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at the University of British Columbia

Dr Karl Lintner
PhD. in Biochemistry at the University of Vienna, Austria

Dr. Yeung Kee Sin Tony
Bachelor of Biochemistry at the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery at the University of Sheffield
Master’s degree in Aeronautics
Bachelor of Social Medicine

Dr. Cathy Jim
PhD. in Chemistry at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Inventor of NCCO
Published over 30 academic articles in the professional field

Dr. Ezra Kwok
Bachelor’s and PhD. in Chemical Engineering at the University of Alberta, Canada
Doctor of Medicine, McMaster University, Canada
Founder and former head of the School of Biomedical Engineering at the University of British Columbia, Canada
Adjunct Professor of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at the University of British Columbia
Medical practitioner in Canada

Dr. Yeung Kee Sin Tony
Bachelor of Biochemistry at the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery at the University of Sheffield
Master’s degree in Aeronautics

Dr Karl Lintner
PhD. in Biochemistry at the University of Vienna, Austria
Bachelor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Vienna